About Me


Meet Imran Shaikh, a Java backend developer.

Imran is a passionate software engineer with over 5 years of expertise in the Java backend universe. Recognized for his high-quality performance.

Imran has navigated both monolithic and microservice architectures, wielding the power of Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Data JPA, Kafka and AWS cloud to forge robust and scalable applications.

Driven by a love for coding and a desire to connect, Imran has created (getButton) #text=(LearnJavaSkills) #icon=(share) #color=(#5186d5) to share his knowledge and help fellow Java enthusiasts embark on their own journeys.

Through tutorials, best practices, and code examples, Imran builds bridges within the community, fostering collaboration and empowering others to unlock their coding potential.

Want to learn more and join the journey? Follow Imran on LinkedIn and dive deeper into his world of Java backend mastery!  (getButton) #text=(LinkedIn) #icon=(link) #color=(#5186d5)

#buttons=(Accept !) #days=(20)

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