How to configure a Dead-Letter Queue (DLQ) for Amazon SQS

Imran Shaikh

Dead letter queues (DLQs) are crucial in distributed systems for handling failed message processing. They isolate problematic messages, preventing main queue blockage and enabling investigation, retry attempts, or archiving for later analysis, ensuring no data loss.

This lesson covers enabling and creating dead-letter queues in Amazon SQS.

The dead-letter queue of a FIFO queue must also be a FIFO queue. Similarly, the dead-letter queue of a standard queue must also be a standard queue.(alert-warning)
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Creating and Configuring Dead-Letter Queues using the AWS CLI

The AWS CLI provides a simple method for configuring dead-letter queues (DLQs) in Amazon SQS. The process requires first creating an SQS queue to serve as the DLQ, followed by creating the primary queue and configuring it to send failed messages to the designated DLQ.

Creating a Dead-Letter Queue

 aws sqs create-queue --queue-name dead-letter-queue

After successfully executing the script, you will receive a JSON response containing the URL of the created SQS queue.

    "QueueUrl": ""

Creating a Standard SQS Queue with Dead-Letter Queue Configuration and Redrive Policy

Create a JSON file containing the following RedrivePolicy details, which are required to configure a dead-letter queue when creating a new Amazon SQS queue.

  "RedrivePolicy": "{\"deadLetterTargetArn\":\"arn:aws:sqs:us-east-1:123456789012:dead-letter-queue\",\"maxReceiveCount\":\"3\"}",
  "MessageRetentionPeriod": "259200"

To create the new Amazon SQS queue, use the same AWS CLI create-queue command as before, but this time include the --attributes flag and specify the path to the JSON file.

 aws sqs create-queue --queue-name main-queue --attributes file://create-queue.json

    "QueueUrl": ""

What is a RedrivePolicy in the context of dead-letter queues?

A RedrivePolicy specifies how messages are moved from the main queue to the DLQ after a certain number of failed processing attempts.

Specifically, the RedrivePolicy contains two key components:

maxReceiveCount : This is the maximum number of times a consumer can attempt to receive and process a message before it is sent to the DLQ. When a consumer gets a message but fails to process it (due to an error, timeout, or explicit rejection), the receive count for that message is increased. When the receive count hits maxReceiveCount, the message is automatically transferred from the main queue to the related DLQ.

deadLetterTargetArn : This is the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dead-letter queue where the message will be sent after exceeding the maxReceiveCount. This clearly identifies the destination queue for failed messages.

Creating and Configuring Dead-Letter Queues using the Amazon Console

For those without AWS CLI access, the AWS Management Console provides an alternative method for creating and configuring dead-letter queues in Amazon SQS.

Creating a Dead-Letter Queue

In the (getButton) #text=(Amazon Console) #icon=(link) #color=(#d35400), navigate to the SQS service by searching for "SQS," as shown in the following screenshot.

In the Amazon console, navigate to the SQS service by searching for SQS, as shown in the this screenshot.

Click "Create queue" to begin creating your first queue. We'll start by creating the dead-letter queue.

create queue button to begin creting sqs queue

We're creating a standard queue called dead-letter-queue. The same process applies to FIFO queues.

standard aws sqs queue

Several optional configurations are available, but we will proceed with the default settings for this example.

configuration tab

The queue creation process is finalized by clicking the "Create queue" button located at the bottom of the screen.

Creating a Standard SQS Queue with Dead-Letter Queue Configuration

Let's proceed to create the main queue with the dead-letter queue configuration. Since the dead-letter queue is a standard queue, we will also create a standard main queue in this example.

standard aws sqs queue

Enabling the dead-letter queue for this main queue is accomplished by providing the ARN of the designated DLQ.

The queue creation process is finalized by clicking the "Create queue" button located at the bottom of the screen.


You now have the tools to effectively manage message processing errors in your Amazon SQS queues. Whether you prefer the visual interface of the AWS Management Console or the scripting power of the AWS CLI, you can now seamlessly integrate DLQs into your architecture.

This ensures that transient errors don't lead to permanent data loss and allows you to investigate and resolve underlying issues more effectively.

Remember to regularly monitor your DLQs and implement appropriate alerting mechanisms to proactively address any recurring problems.

Keep learning and keep growing.


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