If else statement in java | LearnJavaSkills

Imran Shaikh

If-else statement in java is used to test the condition. As the name if-else, if the condition of if is true then, the if-statement block will execute else it will execute else block.

In this article, we will cover the if-else statement in java and we will learn how to use them. we will also cover different types of if-else statements in java.

If else statement in java thumbnail

Types of if-else statements in java

  1. if-statement
  2. if-else statement
  3. if else-if else ladder
  4. Nested if


If statement diagram

The syntax for if statement in java

 if (condition) {
  // statement block


 int number = 5;
  if (number == 5) {
      System.out.println("The number is equal to 5 ");


In the above example, we have declared an int variable named as the number

In the if condition we are checking if the number is equal to 5

In this example, the condition is true and hence, the if-statement block will execute

The output of the above example will be

The number is equal to 5(code-box)

Let's create a one java program to check even numbers

 package learnjavaskills.in;

  public class CheckEvenNumber
      public static void main(String[] args)
          int[] numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

          System.out.println("Even numbers are");
          for (int i=0; i<=9; i++)
              if (numbers[i] % 2 == 0)
                  System.out.print(numbers[i] + " ");


Even numbers are
2 4 6 8 10 (code-box)

Explanation of the above code

In the above java program, we are checking the given number from 1 to 10 is even or not

We have declared an array of int which is numbers. If you want to know more about array in java then read this

We are iterating array of int numbers using for loop. If you want to know more about loops in java then, read this

Inside of if statement we are given one condition such as numbers[i] % 2 == 0. This condition means if the number from the array is divisible by 2 and the remainder is equal to 0 then, we are considering the given number is an even number

And finally, we are printing even number

if-else statement in java

if-else statement diagram

The Syntax for the if-else statement

 if (condition) {
      // statement block
  } else {
      // statement block


 int number = 2;
  if ( number == 2 ) {
      Systems.out.println("condition is true");
  } else {
      Systems.out.println("condition is false");


In the above example, we have declared int number = 2 and we are checking if number equal to 2

Here, the number is equal to 2 then in this case, the if-statement block will execute

The output will be

condition is true(code-box)

Prime number program using if-else statement

 package learnjavaskills.in;

  public class CheckPrimeNumber
      public static void main(String[] args)
          int number = 7;
          boolean isPrimeNumber = false;
          for (int i=2; i<=number/2; i++)
              if (number % i != 0)
                  isPrimeNumber = true;

          if (isPrimeNumber) 
              System.out.println("Number " + number + " is a prime number");
              System.out.println("Number " + number + " is not a prime number");


Number 7 is a prime number(code-box)


In the above java program, we are checking whether number 7 is a prime number or not

We have declared an int variable with name as a number which has value 7 and we also used a boolean primitive data type to use as a flag

In for loop, we are iterating till number/2 and inside for loop statement, we have one if statement to check if the number is divisible by 2 and 3 as per our for loop condition

If the remainder of the number is not zero then, we are considering a number is a prime number. So here, inside if statement, we assign an isPrimeNumber to true

After for loop finished his task, we have created an if-else statement to check the boolean value of isPrimeNumber

If isPrimeNumber is true that means the given number is a prime number

And finally, we are printing number is prime or not

If you want to learn more about the loops in java then learn from loops in java then, read Loops in java

if else-if else ladder

If ladder statement diagram


 if (condition) {
      // statement block
  } else if(condition) {
      // statement block
  } else {
      // statement block


In the above example, we are checking, if the given name which has value LearnJavaSkills.in contain learn or program

Java program to check grades using if else-if else ladder

 package learnjavaskills.in;

  public class MarkSheet
      public static void main(String[] args)
          int percentage = 70;

          if (percentage >= 90)
              System.out.println("Grade A+");
          } else if (percentage >= 80 && percentage < 90 )
              System.out.println("Grade A");
          } else if (percentage >= 70 && percentage < 80)
              System.out.println("Grade B+");
          }else if (percentage >= 60 && percentage < 70)
              System.out.println("Grade B");
          }else if (percentage >= 50 && percentage < 60)
              System.out.println("Grade c");
          } else


Grade B+(code-box)


In the above java program, we are checking grades from the percentage

If the percentage is > 90, then it means Grade A+ and if the percentage is >= 80 but less then 90 then we are considering Grade A

And So on

Nested if

Nested If diagram


 if (condition) {
      if (second condition) {
          // stattement block

Java Program to for nested if statement in java

 package learnjavaskills.in;

  public class LearnJavaSkills
      public static void main(String[] args)
          String language = "Java";
          int experiance = 2;

          if (language.equals("Java"))
              if (experiance >= 2)
                  System.out.println("2+ year of experiance in java");


2+ year of experience in java(code-box)


In the above code, we are checking if developer know java and is he has 2+ year of experience in java

Another java Program for nested if in java

 package learnjavaskills.in;

  public class LearnJavaSkills
      public static void main(String[] args)
          String gender = "Male";
          int age = 20;
          double height = 5.7;

          if (gender.equals("Male"))
              if (age > 18)
                  if (height > 5.5)
                      System.out.println("Display the cloths");


Display the cloths(code-box)


In the above code are have two nested if statement to check age, gender and height

If the height, gender and age match the condition then, we are displaying the cloths


Today we have learned what is if else statements in java and what are the various types of if-else statement in java. We also learn how to use them.

Thanks for reading and keep learning

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