How to install Amazon Corretto JDK 11 on Windows 10

Imran Shaikh

In this article, I'll walk you through the installation process of the Amazon Corretto JDK 11 on windows 10. The amazon corretto JDK 11, it's built upon the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK).

As the Oracle JDK 11 is not free for commercial use, some users are shifting to the other Open JDK vendors providers, and one of the JDK vendors providers is Amazon Corretto.

How to install Amazon Corretto JDK 11 on Windows 10 Thumbnail Image

Why Amazon Corretto

According to the Amazon, Amazon runs the corretto in there thousand of product services. Since the oracle changes there term and condition on the use from JDK 11, "Not free in commercial use" and Oracle doesn't provide free support to the open JDK.

Amazon corretto affords the free long term support and free to use in a commercial product as well. If you are using AWS service, then you will find all the AWS service supports Corretto JDK.

How to Download Amazon Corretto 11 on Windows 10

To download Amazon corretto JDK 11, search "Amazon corretto 11" in your favorite console or download from the Amazon Corretto link. This will redirect you to the Amazon Corretto page.

Once you visit the amazon corretto page, you must see this below screen

amazon corretto home page

Now, snap on the amazon corretto 11 buttons, which you will find in the download Amazon corretto now section. Once you snap on the amazon corretto 11, you will get the following screen in the new tab.

amazon corretto download page

Scroll down and find the download link for Windows x64. Make sure you download the MSI file which displayed in the below picture.

Download link for windows

Your download process must commence now, it's around 160 MB file, so it will take some time as per your internet speed.

How to install Amazon Corretto 11 on windows 10

Open your amazon corretto JDK 11 downloaded location in file explore. you must get a file like this below.

MSI downloaded file

Twofold clicks on this amazon corretto JDK 11 MSI file. You will notice the Welcome to the Amazon Corretto (X64) setup wizard pop up screen.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

Following snapping on the Next, you will redirect to the setup screen.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

The most beneficial section of this amazon corretto JDK 11 setup process is, you don't need to manually setup up the environment variable. This setup method will establish the environment variable for you. if you extend the setup environment node then you will notice this.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

Following tapping the next button, now the setup is available to install the Amazon corretto 11 on your Windows 10 machine.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

Click on the install button and now installing amazon corretto screen will rise up.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

Make sure you hit YES when the window claims your confirmation "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device".

If you follow all steps properly, then your installation of amazon corretto JDK 11 is finished.

Amazon Corretto setup wizard

To confirm the amazon corretto 11 is installed in your machine, Open you CMD and type the following.

java -version(code-box)
CMD verify javva

If you have noticed the above screen then it means you have successfully installed the amazon corretto JDK 11 on your machine.


In this article, we had learned what is the Amazon Corretto JDK 11, How to download the Amazon corretto JDK 11 on the Windows 10, and we have seen how to install the Amazon Corretto JDK 11 on the windows 10 step by step. We also learned why you must use the Amazon Corretto JDK 11.

Thanks for reading and keep learning

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